The 15 Minute Lead Impact Campaign (Plus Landing Page Code)

A few day’s ago, LeadImpact told me I had to use my existing $190 balance or I would forfeit all my money to them (according to their Terms of Service).

Since I work hard for my money, I threw together a fast “single image” campaign to burn through the funds. 🙂 Here’s how I did it.

Step 1: I located a decent offer on my preferred CPA network, RevivedMedia.

Step 2: I created a 775 x 400 image in Photoshop with a strong call to action.

Step 3: I uploaded both the image I created and the HTML code shown below to a folder on my web server. This is basically one big, click-able image.

You’ll need to replace the affiliate link with your affiliate link. You’ll also need to change “keyword” into whatever you want to extract from the URL and “subid” into whatever your CPA network expects to see as a SubID. Finally, make sure the name of the image is correct. the code above will work out of the box with LeadImpact since they use “keyword” in their pass-through URL’s.

Step 4: I created the campaign in LeadImpact and jumped over to Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool to grab 452 related keywords. I pasted in the keywords and submitted the campaign for approval. They approved it within 4 hours. Within a few minutes, I already have 2 conversions. Now that I can track keywords that “work”, I can remove all the non-performers and keep the winners. Who knows…I might even have a long-term profitable campaign on my hands.

3 thoughts on “The 15 Minute Lead Impact Campaign (Plus Landing Page Code)”

  1. Thanks Jesus,

    Always good to hear great tips that work. Maybe you can tell how you exactly track your keywords? With prosper202?

    All the best,

  2. Below is a paragraph from your blog post entitled “The 15 Minute Lead Impact Campaign (Plus Landing Page Code)”
    I’d love to give this a try but I have a few question’s if you have time. I am very new to IM. I know how to paste my affiliate ID but not clear on the next sentence..
    Is there any way you’d take the time to explain this sentance?: You’ll also need to change “keyword” into whatever you want to extract from the URL and “subid” into whatever your CPA network expects to see as a SubID.

    “You’ll need to replace the affiliate link with your affiliate link. You’ll also need to change “keyword” into whatever you want to extract from the URL and “subid” into whatever your CPA network expects to see as a SubID. Finally, make sure the name of the image is correct. the code above will work out of the box with LeadImpact since they use “keyword” in their pass-through URL’s.”


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