WP InstantPay – Instant Affiliate Commissions with WordPress and Paypal

WP-InstantPay is no longer available. I recommend using JVZoo instead. It offers much more functionality, integrations and reliability for a lower price. Click Here to check it out.

Big Mike and the team at Incansoft.com have released a new product called WP InstantPay. This new WordPress plugin is the first plugin of it’s kind to use Paypal’s new Adaptive Payment API to secure product delivery while  instantly splitting affiliate commissions at the point of sale.

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Using WordPress to Create a Killer Sales Funnel

Allow me to introduce the 800 pound gorilla, WordPress. For those of you that are unaware, WordPress has grown in the past several years into a critical tool for marketing online. WordPress has the innate ability to publish articles onto a website quickly and easily. At first, WordPress was used primarily for blogs. As it has evolved, however, business owners tweaked it into a traditional content management system.

These days, you’ll find WordPress being used for blogs, product launches, local business websites, intranets, project management and anything else involving a web-based presence. In this brief article, I’m going to explain how you can use WordPress to build a killer sales funnel on a product website.

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